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Our students range in age from 18 to 60+ and come from
across the region and around the world!
You're not alone…
In Grafton County:
7.4% of adults over the age of 25 do not have a high school diploma. SOURCE:
6% of residents were not born in the United States. SOURCE:
40% of inmates in general do not have a diploma. SOURCE:
36% of adults on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families have not completed high school. SOURCE:
Thanks to our volunteer instructors who have provided nearly 15,000 hours of service!
Get Ready to Succeed!
During our twenty years:
Nearly 1,000 people have contacted PBL for assistance
Over 100 students have earned their HiSET (formerly GED).
Nearly 100 individuals have improved their English language skills.
After completing our program students have gone on to college or technical programs while others have found full-time employment.
Pemi-Baker Literacy is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization primarily supported by community donations
and is partially supported by the
Pemi-Baker Literacy
is also sponsored in part by grants from
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