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Because literacy is key to the economic and emotional well-being of every individual, Pemi-Baker Literacy works to improve individual adult literacy skills in the communities we serve.

Proud English as a Second Language graduates
Proud High School Equivalency Certificate Graduate
Middle-aged man digital literacy tutoring

Our students range in age from 18 to 60+ and come from
across the region and around the world!

You're not alone…

In Grafton County:

  • 7.4% of adults over the age of 25 do not have a high school diploma. SOURCE:

  • 6% of residents were not born in the United States.  SOURCE:

  • 40% of inmates in general do not have a diploma. SOURCE:

  • 36% of adults on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families have not completed high school.     SOURCE:

Get Ready to Succeed!

Since 2002:

  • Nearly 1,000 people have contacted PBL for assistance

  • Over 100 students have earned their HiSET/GED.

  • Nearly 100 individuals have improved their English language skills.

  • After completing our program students have gone on to college or technical programs while others have found full-time employment.

ESOL / ESL Sudents Smiling

Thanks to our volunteer instructors who have provided nearly 15,000 hours of service!

Pemi-Baker Literacy is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization primarily supported by community donations
and is partially supported by the 

Pemi-Baker Literacy
is also sponsored in part by grants from

NH Charitable Foundation Logo
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